Thursday, March 27, 2008


Boobs turn Bob on... greatly.

Another top result

Bob's Conscience is the top result for "tanned breasts exposed." Now, if it was the top result for just "breasts," then maybe we'd have something.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Daddy Long Legs

The mother fucking idiot didn't know that a Daddy long legs is a spider... and after he was shown that it really was, he kept trying to make excuses as to why he didn't think it was. Here's the reason you son of a bitch: YOU'RE A MOTHER FUCKING RETARD!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mother Fucking Idiot

The mother fucking idiot has been at it again... just cocking off like he's ejaculating shit out of his nostrils... the idiocracy makes Bob want to vomit! Stupid mother FUCKER! BOB HATES IT WHEN PEOPLE BEAT THEIR MEAT OFF ABOUT STUFF THE DON'T KNOW! STUPID CUNT FACED MALE!


Interesting Search

Bob's Conscience just received a search hit that reads "How to insert panis in vulva." Really, I didn't think it was all that complicated. Seriously now!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

2nd top result

Bob's Conscience is the top result for "unties bra on girl." Now, I'm not entirely sure what sort of person would search for that... but someone did... and found Bob's Conscience. Nice.