Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bob dreams about dancing with a girl in the street

Bob had a dream last night about a girl (and he still remembers it). He usually does not remember his dreams, so this really was a rarity for him. I get to watch all of his dreams, even if he doesn't recollect having them in the morning. On the whole, they are usually pretty nasty. This dream wasn't so bad. It was about a girl that Bob has known pretty much all of his life growing up. He never really did get to know her extremely well, they were just sort of casual acquaintences. The thing of it is, he has been attracted to her since probably forever. In Bob's opinion, she is really, really hot.

He basically decided that she would never, ever like him. Why he decided that, I have no idea. He really likes her, and cares for her in a very selfless sort of way, even though he would also like to have sex with her. But it seems like she is always dating someone. Part of Bob doesn't want to be just the next someone on her list, so I think he has unconciously stayed away from her.

Anyhow, this dream that Bob had. This girl (I'll call her Sarah here) was back from college. Sarah came over to Bob's house, and they decided to hang out and go for a walk. They talked of all manner of things, one of which the frustrating fact that there is no store in the small little hick town that they live in that sells decent music. They talked of that for a while. They ended up singing an interesting song that Bob had been listening to the day before he had this dream, and dancing in the street to it. It wasn't a waltz, no no no. It was a hip-hop/rock song... very interesting dance, let me tell you.

Eventually Sarah and Bob got back to his house, and he waved good-bye to her as she hopped on her bike (she rode her bike there), and said something to the effect of, "It was a lot of fun, have a good night!" In Bob's dream, he then proceeded to go into the house and shut the door in her face. (After he got in it turns out that someone had bought him a new computer with Windows Vista, and he started messing around with it.) But as Bob was dreaming, he couldn't help the feeling that he had shut Sarah down, that she had wanted a little something more. Something like a little cuddly time on the couch.

Bob woke up right about then. It was one of those dreams that he doesn't really enjoy waking up from, and one of those dreams that he really wishes was real.

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