Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lice-ridden Vagabond

Bob is at his grandmother's house, and his mother and grandmother have just decided that Bob's little brother (who I'll call Steve) has head lice. Bob is sitting down in the basement, and is listening to them argue over it. He thinks that his mother and grandmother are both probably right: Steve has lice. Steve has some of the tangliest-curliest hair ever, and he never does anything with it. It wouldn't be a stretch to think that he does, in fact, have lice. And if he does, Bob thinks that it is freaking disgusting and that he should stay away. Far away. In another house far away! At least Bob doesn't have any hair anymore, so he doesn't need to worry about getting it. And yet, it still disgusts him to think that Steve could have lice. His own little brother, a dirty, lice-ridden vagabond!

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