Friday, March 30, 2007

Holding Hands with Cindy

I'm sorry for the long period of time between posts. Bob hasn't been playing Age of Empires II enough over the past 2 weeks.

Anyhow, Bob hung out with Cindy last night. It was pretty informal though, because they were with a whole bunch of friends. Bob really had a lot of fun, and it looked like Cindy did too. They ended up holding hands for a while, but in a very we're-not-romantic-right-now way. I just hope Bob isn't leading her on. He meant for it to just be a fun time hanging out with friends. I'm hoping Cindy doesn't think it was something more.

Friday, March 16, 2007

About Valentine's Day

It was valentine’s day the other day. The girl that Bob took on a date bought Bob a Crush soda. At the highschool that Bob attends, the student council sells Crush soda that you can order and have delivered to your Crush, anonymous or otherwise. They come in three flavors: Grape, signifying friendship; Orange, signifying a Crush; and Strawberry, signifying love. Bob got a strawberry one.

I thought Bob had had a chat with Cindy already! Orange or Grape would have been more appropriate, but Strawberry... I hope Bob talks to her tonight about it. I think he’ll be able to get up the guts... he sometimes has trouble starting serious conversations, especially if the other person is a female.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Bob takes a girl on a date because she makes his penis stand up

A couple of weeks ago, Bob took a girl on a date. They went to go see a movie. She was nice, and he liked her. He still likes her. The only problems are that she acts really immature at times, and Bob is moving away to college soon. I think the main reason that Bob asked her (I’ll call her Cindy to give the pronouns a rest) out on a date is because whenever he gets really close to Cindy, his penis becomes erected. I suppose almost any girl would make Bob’s body do that. Anyhow, he must not have been thinking too clearly.

Eventually, he ended up telling Cindy that they couldn’t get very serious because he would be going off to college soon. I think that was a good call on Bob’s part.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Bob actually wins an Age of Empires II game!

Bob has finally won a game of Age of Empires II! He had been getting destroyed up to this point. His victory may have something to do with the fact that he accidentally turned the difficulty down, and that he made even teams mandatory. Usually the computer players would all gang up on him, so it would be Bob VS. 5 computer players (or something of that nature). Now he has finally found victory! Hopefully now that he knows he can actually win, he’ll keep on playing. I’m starting to enjoy this blogging thing.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Little Ms. Slutty Pants wears more clothes.

Bob saw little Ms. Slutty Pants in school again today. There was a substantially greater amount of cloth on her bosom.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

"I like your boobs."

Bob was walking down the hall in school today, and there was a girl that he knows kind of well walking the other way towards him. She’s a pretty nice girl, but she is kinda slutty.

He had a sudden impulse to tell her that he liked her shirt, but he refrained from doing so. If he had said it, what he really would have meant was “I like your boobs.” The shirt she was wearing displayed her boobs so that they could be admired by all. In Bob’s opinion, the shirt was doing a very good job.

Bob didn’t look long, his eyes just kind of saw her breasts and glanced away. He actually did a pretty good job of not staring at them as he walked down the hall. Still, they were hard to miss.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Miranda presses her genitalia all over Bob

Bob went flipping through old journals last night to see if there was any record of the last time that he entertained thoughts of Miranda. It took him a while, but he definitely found some stuff. I had told him the same things the last time: that even though she may be the most beautiful, intelligent, kind woman that he has ever met, that she is not worth getting all bent out of shape over. I wish he could just remember that.

One of the more interesting entries was one relating specifically to her beauty. In this entry, he recorded several instances that were burned into his memory. One was rather insignificant, and one was about seeing her for the first time as a woman (looking down her swimsuit at her exposed breasts). But there were two other instances that I thought were worthy of posting on this blog.

One time Bob was at a social event, and Miranda was there. She was wearing a yellow t-shirt with overalls. He’s not quite sure what it was, if it was the overalls pressing against her breasts or if she wasn’t wearing a bra, but from the side her breasts were very visible through her tight t-shirt. It was a perfect view, just reading the journal entry about it made Bob’s penis stand up.

The second instance was even more interesting. Miranda and Bob were at a social event, and the group they were with was taking a group picture. She asked Bob if she could sit on his shoulders for the pictures, and he responded with a “Heck yes,” because seriously, Bob is totally head over heals for that girl. I think that the time that she spent on his shoulders was the longest amount of time that Bob has been in such a close proximity to a girl (especially a girl as downright gorgeous as Miranda). He just loved feeling her legs wrapped around him! And, he couldn’t help but notice that his head and neck were right there between her legs. Her crotch was pressed tightly to the back of his head. Bob almost could feel her lower lips through her pants. Oh, was he having fun just standing there! And then at one point, she bent over, and her soft breasts were pressed against Bob’s head. Now if any of this had been taking place in a different position, Bob would probably have been having an ejaculation. But as it was, her breasts were only pressed against his head for only a few moments, and then he had to tell her to lean back as he could not support her weight in that position.

Well, after reviewing those instances recorded in Bob’s journal, I am left wondering if he even loved her one single bit, or if it was all just lust? Sure, he included phrases such as “I got to caring about her well-being, and I really care about that more than the lust factor.” Well Bob, I’m not so sure. I think I’m going to have to put the foot down on the over-the-top lusting.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Miranda asks a favor of Bob

Miranda just called Bob up! It was to ask a favor of him, though. She asked him if he would want to do this skit with her at this social event that they will be at. It sounds like it will be pretty informal, and she was probably just picking someone out of the blue, but anything with Miranda, and Bob is all for it! (Meaning he said yes.) So Bob will be doing a skit with Miranda tomorrow. If only she still wasn’t going out with Dip Shit.....

Fucking Miranda

Bob just watched a movie in which the hero fell in love with a girl (this wasn’t the main story line, but a part of it). She was amazingly sexy, very kind and caring, smart, and she was perfect in almost every other way. Bob wishes very much that real life was just like the movies. Bob has never felt love for a girl like that, or been in a relationship such as that, and a huge chunk of him just yearns to be able to be that close (not physically) to another human being. He wants to be able to share life with someone else, to know that there is someone always there for him that he can share his intimate side with. Basically, he wants a girl to love. But that girl has not come along yet.

Whenever Miranda shows up, he starts thinking that she is the one. I keep telling him that she is not worth the worry. Bob will never ever get hooked up with her, and if he could just get that through his thick skull, he would be so much better off! I do think that when he winds up finding someone, that someone is going to be a lot like Miranda. She would be a good match for him, but I seriously don’t think Bob is quite ready for a serious relationship with a girl such as Miranda, and since that is the kind of girl that would suit Bob just perfectly... it is like he is up a river without a paddle.

In his mind, Bob just says to himself “Fuck Miranda, there is no way that she is right for me or that I could ever get her.” (His interpretation of when I tell him that she isn’t worth it.) This line of thought is all well and good, but then he starts to think about fucking Miranda... and he is so attracted to her... it is just a downward spiral.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Miranda and Dip Shit

Bob has been thinking about Miranda a lot lately. He saw her today, and exchanged a couple of words with her. He also talked to Ed, and asked him if Miranda was still going out with the person she was going out with. I have decided to call him Dip Shit, because Bob really thinks he isn't right for Miranda. Ed told Bob that it was Miranda and Dip Shit's one year of consecutive dating anniversary pretty soon. Why did he have to say consecutive? Miranda and Dip Shit have been going out on and off for about the past 5 years or so, Miranda usually switching from Dip Shit to another guy and back to Dip Shit. If she finds good enough reasons to leave him, why does she keep coming back? Bob doesn't know. But he was thinking about telling her how he truly feels about her... until Ed told him that she has been getting along with Dip Shit pretty well. Bob really really thinks Miranda needs to wise up and drop Dip Shit like a load of shit.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

About Miranda, and the first day Bob started liking her

Bob was thinking about a girl tonight at work. He knows this girl fairly well, not super well but a bit. (I’ll call her Miranda here.) So about Miranda... Bob has had a massive crush on her since the day that Miranda, Miranda’s brother Ed (Bob’s best friend), and Bob were playing at the beach. Miranda was quietly digging in the sand, and she leaned over and Bob saw her boobs.

(She was wearing a two piece swim suit, with one of those big tops that cover most of the girl’s body. It was a rather modest swim suit, but when she bent over, it was one of those times that Bob just loves when the breasts are totally exposed. It was one of those times when the breasts don’t touch the fabric at all, and the person observing can even make out the nipple in its entirety. Bob hasn’t seen one of these in a while (for which I am grateful), but whenever he sees them, he relishes them. I always tell him to look the other way. Sometimes he listens, sometimes he doesn’t.)

Anyhow, Bob noticed that she was starting to mature and grow boobs. Ever since that day, he stopped thinking of her as Ed’s annoying older sister, and as an attractive member of the opposite sex. He began to notice other attractive qualities (other than the obvious physical ones) and his attraction to her grew. She grew up to be a very beautiful woman, who is very nice to most everyone and attractive in almost every way. She is smart, compassionate, funny, and very pretty (I just need to say it again, because Bob thinks that she is one of the sexiest women he has ever met.)

So what is the only problem with this picture (other than the fact that she is already away at college)? She is always dating someone. And usually, it is always some loser. He does not know why she does it. She always dates people that are totally wrong for her. It is blatantly obvious to absolutely everyone else around her that the guys she dates are not the guys that she should be dating, but she does not seem to get it. This bothers Bob very, very much. It is not so much that Bob has never dated her and probably will never get the chance to date her; the problem is that she could be in such great relationships instead of the poor ones that she has been in. He doesn’t think that it is absolutely necessary that she go out with him (although Bob would probably got crazy with excitement if she did) but that she go out with someone who will actually be good for her. The thing is that Bob loves her sooo much that he just wants her to find the right people, even if it isn’t him. Now if only he could get up the guts to say that to her.